Saturday, 22 November 2014

We had such a fun Athletics morning on Tuesday. The children took part in lots of different activities such as long jump, egg and spoon races, obstacle courses, 3 legged races, velcro vest shotput, sack races and played Octopus.

Numeracy in action

Congratulations to James for being awarded the Gardener of the week. He was given some special beans to take home and plant. We will look out for the beanstalk! A photo of Eva getting ready to do some gardening in our school garden.


Over the last few weeks we have been busy with our topic 'Funky Junky'. We made posters describing how to look after Planet earth. We also created posters with more ideas of what we can do to make a difference to keep our earth green. We discussed the 3r's recycle, reduce and reuse. 
We worked in groups to design games and activities for our playground using rocks and pinecones. We started painting rocks to make alphabet stones and tic tac toe. Some groups are looking at creating bird feeders out of pinecones.