Monday, 30 June 2014

Numeracy time

Writing time

I was so proud of Kawakawa during Writing time today. I was able to walk around the classroom and observe as every class member was individually writing and so engaged in their Writing. Today we wrote about what it would be like to wear jandals during Winter and boots on the beach in Summer!

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Literacy time

A gorgeous way to start my day! Before school had even started a lovely message that was written on the whiteboard!
"I love Miss Jackson so much. She is the best teacher in the whole wide world. I can't forget her. Miss Jackson doesn't want to hear tales."

Writing time

I am so proud of the students and their progress in their Writing! The whole class were the Writers of the day recently, I couldn't choose just one! Everyone has been trying so hard at recording their sounds and adding extra detail! We are working on remembering our Capital letters and fullstops or even an exclamation mark!  The students get to choose where they want to sit and enjoy finding a quiet spot on a cushion or sitting at a desk or in the keva! Superstars get to sit at the pencil table!
We have been Writing all about Winter at the moment. I will add a photo of our writing soon.

Saturday, 21 June 2014

A big thank-you to Christine Mabon who has volunteered to help on Friday mornings during Kauri and Kawakawa's Literacy hour and is doing a fantastic job! 

We are still looking for more helpers for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We would love you to come and join in the fun, learning focused, activity based literacy hour from 9:15-10:30. We need some volunteers to support the children with the activities. You could choose any morning. 

If you could help, please contact Mrs Brookes or Miss Jackson or

Literacy activities- students so engaged and motivated!


Week 6: Well done to Chloe for settling well in kawakawa and to your new school. Emma- Amazing work in numeracy with using your basic facts to work out big addition problems.
Week 7: Stephanie-Mae- Excellent Numeracy work, Ella- sitting so reverently at school Mass on Thursday, Eva H- Always being an amazing helper to others in our class.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Yesterday morning we spent our Writing lesson outside! We went  on a Wicked Winter Wonderful walk! We used our 'jottings' book to take notes of the different things we saw and drew pictures.

We then came back inside and did some amazing Winter writing!

We were very lucky to have a 'Mini Movers' skills session with Kate Cartwright- Sport's Waitaki Coordinator on Monday.