Saturday, 31 May 2014

Religious Education-Holy Spirit

We did a Science experiment this week for RE. We started with some milk in a bowl. We then added a drop of three different food colouring's into the milk. The colours were all separated in the bowl. We then added a few drops of washing up liquid. The three colours became one.This experiment showed the class how God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit are all one. This is known as 3 in 1. You might like to try this at home!

Fire Wise

We have been doing some amazing writing about how to be safe around a fire place, a barbecue and in the kitchen. Come and Red our fabulous Writing. We created our very own Fire man/lady using our photos to go up on the wall next to a Fire hydrant!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Our last hockey session with Lyn from NZ Hockey association

We enjoyed our last hockey session this afternoon. Unfortunately it was freezing cold so we had it in the hall!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Fire Safety

I spent the evening last night transforming our Keva in our classroom into a Fire Safety room, ready for lots of fantastic learning about how to be Fire Wise! Remember to watch The Firewise DVD that has been sent home! Lots of important messages.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

We created gorgeous Autumn pictures using pastels and black paper.

Thursday, 15 May 2014


Our  finished Autumn hedgehogs up on display outside our classroom from our leaves we collected during our Scavenger hunt!

Literacy learning in action!

Literacy learning in action! Each morning we do Literacy. We do our first hour and a half with Kauri- the New Entrant class. We do great hands on activities such as writing shopping lists, book reviews, play dough, Lego letters, alphabet puzzles, alphabet beads,Reading Eggs-computer programme, pipe cleaners, shells, word searches and even writing and performing our very own plays!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Religious Education

We are learning all about the Holy Spirit for Religious Education (RE) at the moment. We created our own windmills as we discussed "like the wind the Holy Spirit is unseen, we cannot see our breath that makes the windmill move or see the wind that makes it move, but we know it is there- just like the Holy Spirit."

The Holy Spirit is God. The Holy Spirit has come to teach and Remind us of God's truth. 


Autumn Scavenger hunt

This morning we spent our Writing lesson outside! We went outside on a Scavenger hunt to find different objects to tick off out lists. We then used our 'jottings' book to take notes of the different things we saw and draw pictures. The children observed the colours of the leaves around us. One student said " we are like explorers out on a journey!"

We then came back inside and we wrote notes about what the leaves looked like, felt like, sounded like and smelt like! Tomorrow we will be using our jottings to do some detailed Autumn writing. This afternoon we created Autumn hedgehogs using the leaves we had collected. I will attach a photo once they are all finished. They are looking good!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Happy Mother's day

We hope all of the Mum's have a lovely, relaxing Mother's day! We created beautiful bouquets of flowers for our mum's to go with a card! We hope you like it!There is also a photo of our published stories about why we love our Mothers! Come and check out our writing outside the classroom. We also created hearts with our fingerprints. Come and see our amazing work up on the wall!.This is the poem:

Fingerprint poem
My dirty little fingerprints I’ve left on every wall, and on the drawers and table tops, I’ve really marked them all.
Here are some that won’t rub off. I’m giving them to you because I’m thankful to have a mum just like you!

Monday, 5 May 2014

We have had a fantastic start back to term 2. Our 6 new fabulous students have transitioned smoothly into Kawakawa!

Welcome to Ruma Kawakawa ready for term 2 2014.We are going to use this blog to show everyone what we have been learning about and share our wonderful successes.Miss Jackson

Friday, 2 May 2014

A few photos from last term of our learning! Harold taught us about Healthy food and eating a variety of food. Every day at school we have FRUIT and READ where we try to ensure we are eating a piece or fruit/vegetable.

We have had Lyn from New Zealand Hockey Association come and teach us some Hockey skills!

In term one our Inquiry was Space. We have learnt all about the planets, stars and astronauts. Our Keva was transformed into a Solar system! We set our goals for the term and have been reaching for the stars. We created our own astronauts and rockets as well as doing AMAZING writing about stars and the moon!